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Transponder Key Problems

Charleston, SC locals are lucky because they have 843 Locksmith to help them whenever they have lock and security issues, such as transponder key problems. But you might feel that you are out of luck if you live somewhere else and find yourself with a transponder key that doesn’t work. Don’t worry, because the information provided here is meant to help you out. There are sure ways to get your problems fixed fast, and if they can’t be resolved, then you have options when it comes to getting a new transponder key. Read on so that you will know what to do if you are ever dealing with transponder key problems! You might be surprised to find out that replacement isn’t always necessary – sometimes issues can be fixed fairly simply.

Let’s start with the basics. A transponder key has an electronic transponder chip that can be read by your vehicle. When the vehicle verifies that the chip is the appropriate one, it will allow you to start the ignition. Some keys come with a control that allows you to lock and unlock your doors, too. And some allow you to turn on an anti-theft alarm. So transponder keys serve multiple purposes. Either way you look at it, they are an important part of vehicles, and they provide convenience to car owners. But of course, as with anything, things can go wrong. It is important that you know what to do when things do not go as planned.

Here are some common transponder key issues that tend to arise fairly frequently:

  1. The transponder key has a dead battery. This is a very common issue. The key requires a specific frequency to work, and if it is unable to emit this frequency due to a lack of electrical power, then the transponder key could end up emitting a different frequency altogether, if any at all, and your car will not be able to recognize it. In this case, you need to have the battery replaced. Who can do this? You can contact a locksmith if you want to pay the best rate, or you could always call your manufacturer or dealership. Your best bet, though, tends to be to turn to a lock and security provider because their rates are great, they will come to you, and you can expect to be able to obtain 24/7 emergency help when needed.
  2. There is chip damage. Chips can become damaged and when they do, they will fail to work properly. When this happens, you usually need to purchase a brand new transponder key. Your dealership or a locksmith will be able to deactivate the old key. This is important in ensuring that no one else is able to access your vehicle.
  3. The transponder key has gone missing. Obviously, this is a cause for concern, because you might not be sure if your key was stolen or simply misplaced. It is important that you get a new transponder key so that you are able to get into your vehicle and start it. Talking to a locksmith will certainly be helpful.
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While it might be relatively inexpensive to cut a new key, prices go up when it is the electronic chip that requires new programming. Specialized programming equipment is needed to do this, and only certain individuals will have access to it. Check out some of these tips which might prevent you from getting into a bind down the road (no pun intended)…

  1. Make sure to ask for an extra set of transponder keys when you purchase your vehicle. Who knows, maybe your dealership will throw in the extra key for free, since you are already spending a reasonable amount of money on the new car. But you should always have an extra set of keys, in the event that something goes wrong, whether your battery dies, you get locked out of the vehicle with the transponder key inside, or you end up losing one set of keys.
  2. If your transponder key battery is dead and you normally use it to unlock and lock your car doors, do not lock the car door’s using the interior lock unless you have your transponder key in your hand. Until you get a new key, or a new battery, get into the habit of not locking your door unless your key is safe in your hand. Otherwise, you could end up getting locked out.
  3. Look for signs that the transponder key battery is dying. Does the light flash repetitively when you click the unlock button? If so, it might indicate that the battery is about to die. Pay attention!

These are just some tips to ensure your transponder key is always working, and if it does go missing or something goes wrong, you will now know what to do. It is recommended that if you are not in Charleston, SC that you save the contact information of a locksmith that you can trust for assistance. Look online to see the various companies that will come up. You should have one that you can turn to if you ever find yourself dealing with transponder key problems. If you are not prepared, then these issues can really set you back for the entire day. You can prevent yourself from getting stuck by paying attention and by implementing the advice provided.

Most vehicles made after the mid -990s use transponder keys, so it is very likely that the car you drive around the most in has a transponder key that goes with it. Thanks for reading and it is our hope that the information provided has been helpful to you!

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